You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - Program > Edit - Program - Purchasing
Edit - Program - Purchasing

You use the Purchasing Configuration screen to select your purchasing settings such as your costing method, whether you want to use serial number tracking, how you want purchasing price breaks applied, and other purchasing defaults.

  1. Select a company to edit.

Refer to "Selecting a Company to Edit"


Micronet displays the Purchasing Configuration screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Costing Options

Enter your company inventory costing option. Options are:

  • Average – full average
  • Fifo – first in first out. You must select this option to enable serial number tracking of items (for more information, see the Use Serial Numbers field on the General Configuration screen - refer to "Edit - Program - General").
  • Lifo – last in first out
  • No Update – fixed item costing.


Fifo Control By Item

If you selected Fifo in the Costing Options field, select how you want FIFO enabled. Options are:

  • Yes – enable FIFO for individual stock lines. This enables serial number tracking on a per item basis so that you do not need to have serial numbers activated for normal stores stock such as tools, fasteners, skylights, etc.
  • No – enable FIFO for all stock lines.


Use Warehouse Average Cost

2.8 Feature

Select Yes to use the warehouse average cost when processing transactions, or select No to use the item average cost. The item average cost is the default. It is calculated automatically against the item as a whole and against each item/warehouse combination whenever a cost change occurs.

If you select Yes, when transactions are processed, Micronet retrieves the average cost from the Warehouse Item file rather than from the Item file.


Buy Price Breaks

Like sell price breaks, Micronet supports quantity buy breaks, where the larger the quantity bought the better the buy price selected by Micronet. The buy price break is checked during the receipting of items from suppliers during the goods received process.

The options are:

See also the Buy Price Names field below.


Tax Number

If your company has a sales tax exemption for purchases, enter your company sales tax number.


Copy Cost Price to Buy 1-8

When you receive items into stock, Micronet can store the new landed price into any of your buy prices 1-8. These can then be printed on inquiries/reports or used to determine selling prices if price markups are being used.

Select an option:

  • No – do not update the buy prices
  • Item File – update the buy prices on the Sell Prices tab in the Inventory master file – see "File - Inventory - Sell Price"
  • Item and Alt Supplier – update the buy prices on both the Sell Prices tab and the Alternate Suppliers screen in the Inventory master file – see "File - Inventory - Supplier"
  • Item File not HO Items – update the buy prices as for Item File above, but not for items maintained in a Head Office
  • Item/Alt Supplier not HO Items – update the buy prices as for Item and Alt Supplier above, but not for items maintained in a Head Office.


Prevent O/Stock Purchasing

Select Yes if you want to prevent users from creating purchase orders for items where the quantity being purchased puts the item's quantity on hand (once received) above the maximum on hand figure stored against the item.

In multi-warehouse systems, this option also includes the stock balances on order and available in those warehouses for the calculations and warning messages.


Prevent O/Price Purchasing

Select Yes if, when users create purchase orders, you want Micronet to check for the lowest price for an item by calculating the buy price for both the preferred supplier and any alternate suppliers, including any applicable discounts and supplier rebates. Micronet will display a warning message if the selected supplier does not offer the cheapest price.


Ask for Warehouse each line

During purchase order creation, goods receipt and import costing, you can lock a user to ordering and receiving items for one location only or enable them to order/receive items for several locations. Select Yes if you want to enable users to select a different warehouse for each purchase order/goods receipt/import cost line, or select No if they can only select one warehouse per purchase order, goods receipt batch or import costing batch.


Buy Price Names

Names of your buying prices 1-8 can be setup and stored either company wide (i.e. one set of buy price names for all items), category wide (i.e. one set of buy price names for each category), against each supplier, or against each individual item. This field is related to the Buy Price Breaks field above.

Select the order in which you want Micronet to check and display the buy price names for items:

  • Item then Category then Company – this option enables the Buy Names tab in the Product Category master file so you can enter product category buy price names (refer to "File - Product Category - Buy Names")
  • Item then Supplier then Company – this option enables the Buy Names tab in the Supplier master file so you can enter supplier buy price names (refer to "File - Supplier - Buy Names").


Prefix used for Auto Supplier

If you selected Yes in the previous field, enter any prefix you want displayed before automatic supplier/creditor numbers.


Default Freight Appropriation

Select Yes if you want Micronet to automatically appropriate the costs of freight over all item lines when goods are received, or No if you want users to appropriate freight costs manually.


Default Labels

Select the default label creation option for Goods Received and Import Costing. Options are:

  • No Labels – do not create any labels
  • One Label – create one label for each item received
  • Qty Received – create x number of labels for each item received where x = the quantity received
  • Stock on Hand – create x number of labels for each item received where x = the Stock on Hand quantity after the goods receipt (e.g. if 40 items were received but 20 were on backorder, x would equal 20)
  • Ask Quantity – enter the quantity required in the Qty Labels field on the appropriate screen.

When you select any option other than No Labels, Micronet creates a batch with the items and label quantities specified when the goods received batch or import costing batch is posted (refer to "Inventory Reports - Batch Label Report").


Automatic Transfers on Receipt

Select Yes if you want users to be able to pre-allocate items on purchase orders to warehouses other than their default warehouse during goods receipt. Select No if users should only be able to pre-allocate items on purchase orders to their default warehouse.

2.8 Feature

Micronet allows purchase orders to be created by one warehouse but the actual goods received into a different warehouse. This is useful, for example, when all purchase orders are issued by a central distribution warehouse but, when they are received, they are transferred to the warehouse that actually requires the goods.

Select whether, when goods are received, you want Micronet to create automatic transfers from the purchasing warehouse to the receiving warehouse. Options are:

  • No – if goods are received into a different warehouse from the warehouse that created the purchase order, any pre-allocations will be removed and will have to be entered manually (refer to "Goods Received - Load P/O").
  • From Transit Warehouse – the goods are received into a transit warehouse and Micronet automatically creates a new intransit transfer batch. The source warehouse for the transfer batch is the transit warehouse, and all items on the receipt going to that warehouse are added to it. (Note that items can be received into different warehouses). The intransit transfer batch can then be loaded in the Transfer to Warehouse program and posted (refer to "Stock Transfer Creation - File - Load Intransit Transfer").
  • From Receipt Warehouse – the goods are received into the receiving warehouse and Micronet automatically creates a new POS/MDS transfer batch if one doesn't already exist (i.e. if no transfer batch has been created by a previous goods receipt). The source warehouse for the transfer batch is the receiving warehouse, and all items on the receipt going to that warehouse are added to it. The transfer batch can then be loaded in the Transfer to Warehouse program and posted (refer to "Stock Transfer Creation - File - Load POS/MDS Created Transfer").


Keep Due Date Override



Sync Preferred Supplier Buy Prices

Buy prices for inventory items are held in both the Inventory master file and the Alternate Suppliers file. If the buy price is updated in either of these two files, you can have the other file automatically updated with the new buy price when the alternate supplier and the preferred supplier are the same. Options are:

  • No – don’t automatically sync buy prices
  • Yes – automatically sync buy prices when the alternate supplier and the preferred supplier are the same
  • Prompt – display a prompt asking users whether they want to sync buy prices.


Use Automatic Supplier Number

Select Yes if you want Micronet to generate automatic supplier/creditor numbers when you create a new supplier/creditor, or No if you want to allocate supplier/creditor numbers manually.

You can set the last used supplier/creditor number in the Last Auto Supplier field on the Enter Last Used Numbers screen (refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Last Used Numbers").


Keep Purchase Order History

Select Yes if you want Micronet to retain purchase order history so you have the option to reprint purchase orders (refer to "Inventory - Reprint Purchase Orders"). Select No if you want Micronet to work as per the standard of all versions to date with no purchase order history retained.


Multiple Suppliers in Receipts

2.8 Feature

Select Yes if you want users who receive goods into Micronet to be able to load purchase orders for different suppliers to those from which the goods are being received. This is useful when a purchase order is created in Micronet for one supplier, but a different supplier invoices and supplies the goods.

Select No if users should only be able to load purchase orders for the supplier from which goods are being received.


Prevent P/O below minimum order value

2.8 Feature

This option only applies to purchase orders created via the Purchase Order Creation and Automatic Purchase Orders programs in MDS. It does not apply to purchase orders created from supply chain invoices, POS/enPOS, MJC or Data.Connect.

Select Yes if you want to prevent purchase orders from being created when the total order value is below the Minimum Order Value set in the Supplier master file (refer to "File - Supplier - Supplier"). When a user tries to post a purchase order where the value is below the minimum:

  • in Purchase Order Creation, Micronet displays a message that the user cannot continue. They can hold the purchase order instead if required.
  • in Automatic Purchase Orders, the entry is highlighted in red and the user is unable to process the individual purchase order.

Select No if you want Micronet to warn users that the purchase order is below the minimum order value but still allow the purchase order to be processed.


Update Delivery Date on Backorder

2.8 Feature

Select whether you want the delivery date on a backorder updated when the due date is changed on a linked purchase order (i.e. linked via allocations). When this field is set to Yes and you:

  • change the Due Date on a purchase order line, Micronet updates the Expected Delivery Date - Supplier on the linked backorder line to the new date (refer to "Entering Backorder Lines")
  • create a backorder for an item and set the Expected Delivery Date - Supplier on that line and then create a purchase order for the item, the delivery date you set on the backorder line defaults as the Due Date on the linked purchase order line (refer to "Entering Purchase Order Lines"). (Note that this only applies to newly created purchase orders. If you change the delivery date on a backorder line that is linked to an existing purchase order, the purchase order due date will not be updated.)

Other areas where you can set the due date on a purchase order will also update the linked backorder. These include:

Note the following:

  • When manually allocating a backorder line to an existing purchase order line, the Due Date on the selected purchase order line will overwrite the Expected Delivery Date - Supplier on the backorder line – refer to "Enter Backorder Line - Allocations".
  • The Delivery Date on POS order lines will not be updated as this may affect the delivery option of the POS line – refer to "Entering the Item Details".

Select No if you don't want backorder delivery dates updated when linked purchase order due dates are changed.


Select Warehouses in Auto Purchasing

2.8 Feature

This option works in conjunction with the Consolidate Warehouses field on the Automatic Purchase Order Header – see "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Overriding Factors".

If this field is set to No and the Consolidate Warehouses field is set to Yes, Micronet will produce one total purchase order for all warehouses in the company.

If this field is set to Yes and the Consolidate Warehouses field is also set to Yes, Micronet will allow you to select the warehouses you want to consolidate when determining the demand on items for auto purchasing. It will then consolidate the free stock and minimum and maximum stock levels of the selected warehouses and calculate the demand based on these consolidated values.


Allocate to Existing PO In Auto PO

2.8 Feature

This field applies where you use the Automatic Purchase Orders program to create purchase orders for Simple Stock as well as backorders. Raising the stock level to the maximum ensures that excess stock is ordered, above the stock needed to fulfil backorders. If automatic purchasing has been run and new backorders are created soon after for items that already exist on a purchase order, setting this field to Yes allows you to allocate those backorders to the existing purchase order quantities rather than having to wait until the next time automatic purchasing is run.

To allocate the backorders to the existing purchase order quantities, you need to run automatic purchasing again, only creating orders for backorders.


Auto Allocate Single Serials in GR

2.8 Feature

This field only applies where your company uses supply chain procurement, where backorders are created from supply chain orders and there are allocations to purchase orders from those backorders.

If this field is set to Yes, when a serial number is allocated to a supply chain order and the goods are received via either the Goods Receipt or Import Costing programs, Micronet will automatically allocate the serial number to the backorder created from the supply chain order. This only occurs, however, where the allocation is from a single purchase order line to a single supply chain order line. If there are multiple allocations for a purchase line or a supply chain order line, Micronet displays a message, “Unable to allocate serial numbers to original orders, this must be performed manually”.

  1. Select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Change Existing Company screen.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE to save your changes.
  2. To see your changes take effect, you need to log back in to Micronet.

Refer to "Logging in With Updated Configuration (Method 1)" or "Logging In With Updated Configuration (Method 2)".